Informations regarding TPI and news of the apps.
Antilope version 1.2.8 (12/2024)
- Added a function to archive and unarchive a real estate asset entity.
- New actions are proposed for the dashboard. They concern:
- consumption readings and their differences;
- characteristics.
- The query builder now allows emptying cells containing zeros.
Antilope version 1.2.7 (11/2024)
- The Customer Code can now be abutted to the displayed entity title.
Antilope version 1.2.6 (10/2024)
- Addition of the Input control restitution which allows to check the progress of the visits and to highlight those missing or unjustified.
- Added a column Expected Date Exceeded in the Work Management restitution.
- The configuration of the Consumption study restitution now allows to select a reference data to present the consumptions in the form of ratios.
- Access to the dashboards is now configurable according to the user group and the user.
Antilope version 1.2.5 (06/2024)
- Addition of Real Estate Qualification graph.
- Improvement in the management of the « Décret Tertiaire » (Tertiary Decree – Sp. France).
- Added the Usage Statistics function in addition to User Statistics.
- The last modification date of a record (feature, component, etc.) can now be easily consulted from its detail.
- The size of characteristics Comment field has been increased to 200 characters.
- Queries list can be filtered by an administrator.
Antilope version 1.2.4 (04/2024)
- The contents of component and works lists may be limited depending on the user group.
- Data recovery has been extended to components and works.
- Addition of the « Is obsolete » field to the details of a visit.
- The restitution “Aggregation of a Characteristic” becomes “Aggregation of the Characteristics “, with the addition of a graph.
Antilope version 1.2 (10/2023)
- Addition of the Operations functionality intended for the administrative and financial management of works series and work programs.
- Possible addition of “graphic widgets” in the Dashboard.
- Multiple Dashboards – The user can now have multiple dashboards in addition to their personal dashboard. Ideal for thematic dashboards.
- (Sp. France) Added a connection with the ADEME for DPE.
Antilope version 1.1.4 (09/2023)
- « Décret Tertiaire » (Tertiary Decree – Sp. France) – Modification of the estimated dates of the works is now possible.
- Menu titles can now be easily sorted and customized.
- Antilope-KMIS – Modernization based on the Antilope’s model.
- Antilope-KMIS – Modification of report’s library to expand their content.
Antilope version 1.1.3 (07/2023)
- All photos and images linked to a heritage element can be grouped in a summary table column for a custom report.
- Addition of Contracts Planning based on the visits planning model.
- New restitution: Consumptions study.
- The colors of the tree structure levels can be configured for rendering in the breadcrumbs.
Antilope version 1.1.2 (06/2023)
- Consumption management has been improved with a new restitution builder including more parameters and simplified filters as well as the possibility of saving consumptions studies.
- The consumption entry interface has been modified to make it easier to monitor and record series of readings.
Antilope version 1.1.1 (04/2023)
- Dashboard :
- The choice of displayable actions has been enhanced.
- The End-of-Life Components action was limited, for one of our customers, to the “essentials components” that it manages.
- Query Builder – Selected values of a List type characteristic are now counted in separate fields, easier to sort and filter, and easier to include in a report.
- Consumptions – Addition of a graph of consumptions by year / by month.
- Visits – For visits associated with EPCs, certain information can now be extracted from the report or the ADEME database.
- Record History – Old values of various fields of recorded data (components, works, visits, etc.) can now be restored.
Antilope version 1.1.0 (02/2023)
An AOR (Acknowledgment of Receipt) can now be requested and tracked when sending document(s) from Antilope. AOR will be very useful, for example, when transmitting asbestos register and diagnoses to stakeholders.
Antilope version 1.0.28 (11/2022)
- Characteristics have been added to the list of displayable data in the dashboard.
- In the dashboard, the display of a thumbnail can also be limited to part of the levels of the asset tree.
Antilope version 1.0.27
- Visits – After the Archive the visit tool, which allows you to limit the records displayed in the list of visits, the Visits function offers to Unarchive the visit to be able to consult its detail again or modify a report.
Antilope version 1.0.26
- Custom Reports – A MS Word document with dynamic content from a data source not managed by Antilope can now be embedded in a custom report.
- KMIS libraries – Added direct access to the elementary component library.
- Entities comparator – Added possibility of analysis according to a ratio.
Meeting 2022 The “builders” of Antilope
The summer of 2022 and the post-COVID-19 lockdown period were the pretext for bringing together the team behind the Antilope app. Passionate people who did not fail to evoke the past (meeting obliges) and also the future with the evolutions of Antilope.
Antilope version 1.0.25 (08/2022)
- Chart Template – A chart built with data from a query can now be inserted into a custom report using a chart template.
- Template Library – Added online help and downloadable sample templates.
- Query builder:
- Addition in the query generator of a function intended to invert the columns and rows of a possible query (the equivalent of Paste \ Transpose in Excel).
- Fixed bug on subtotal values when grouping data.
- Improved component aggregation:
- Filter added to query.
- Results displayed in color based on good, average, bad and end of life values.
- Possibility of grouping the results according to the family, the sub-family and the component’s building trade.
- Added column for spending commings years.
Antilope version 1.0.22
- To compensate the size of the screen in relation to the number of fields to display or to have thematic lists, several views can now be memorised for displaying the lists of records of features and tables. The content of a view can also be filtered.
- A “form” type report template can now use a 3rd data extraction query.
- Improved layout of images in tables in Word templates for reports. The size of the images is optimized to the container and they can be centered in their cells.